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Welcome to Tideline Charters

Welcome friends, I am Captain Wayne,
the owner of Tideline Charters located in
Apalachicola, Florida offering charter fishing,
eco-tours, sightseeing and shelling trips in Apalachicola
and St. George Island, Florida.

I am a native of Apalachicola, Florida and have been guiding for over 30 years in the Apalachicola Bay. We will be fishing in Apalachicola and St. George Island on a 21 foot Parker.

Red Fish Caught off St George Island
Nice Triple Tail off St George Island
Trout Fish Caught in Apalachicola Bay

Charter Fishing in Apalachicola and St. George Island
You will enjoy fishing for speckle trout, red fish and a variety of other saltwater fish in the Apalachicola Bay. Fish under the stars: In the summer months night floundering charter trips are available. Rods & reels, bait, tackle and fishing license are provided for up to 4 people when you book your Apalachicola Charter Fishing trip with me.

Shelling on Little St. George Island
St. Vincent Island and Little St. George Island offer exceptional shelling and sight-seeing opportunities. Watch the dolphins play and collect your favorite shells. Pack a picnic and enjoy the nature around you.

Eco-tours in Apalachicola Bay
Wildlife abounds! Watch as alligators soak up the sun on the Apalachicola River banks. The Apalachicola Bay eco-tour offers fantastic birding photograph opportunities.


1/2 Day Fishing Trips - $500
Whole Day Fishing Trips - $650
Shelling/Eco-Tours/Sight Seeing - $275
Night Time Floundering Trips - $400

Contact Captain Wayne

Call or Text - (850) 653-5735
Email -

Links: Home | Fishing Photo Gallery | About Fishing in Apalachicola and St. George Island
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